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- About Us
- Inclusion Centre
The Owls
Inclusion Centre (IC)
Who does the Inclusion Centre cater for?
The IC caters for children primarily with Communication and Interaction difficulties. In association with this primary area children may have one or more of the following:
- Developmental delay in one or more areas
- Delay in language and/or coordination difficulties
- Associated behaviour difficulties such as poor attention skills or poor social skills

The IC caters for children who are presenting with special educational needs in the area of Communication and Interaction, with associated difficulties. Children must have an Education Health and care plan to be allocated a place.
Children are allocated places via the Inclusion Support Panel which is led by the Portsmouth City Council Inclusion Support SEND team.
Firstly, applications are made to the panel which determine if the child meets the criteria for entry. Secondly, the children are then looked at in relation to all their needs and are prioritised on the waiting list. Available places are then allocated in order of priority and location.
Children may be in Year R, 1 or 2 within the centre and usually start with us in Year R or Year 1. This gives time for the children to have quality interventions which hope to improve their progress, in order for them to begin to integrate into mainstream school as and when it is appropriate for them.
The IC Team
There are usually 4 members of staff working in the IC. 1 Class Teacher (Inclusion Manager / SENCo). 3 Teaching Assistants This high ratio of staff ensures that Individual Education Plan targets can be worked on daily and that children work in small groups or 1:1 throughout the day

Opening hours
Doors open at 8.40am Children to be in class by 8.50am. Children have a half hour lunchtime. Inclusion Centre closes at 2.30pm

A day in the life of a child at the IC (example day)
- A normal day will begin as in all classes, with an early morning table activity and then register.
- We start with a short English session.
- Children then split into small groups and either stay in the class or go off to the Reception Robin Room (where there are computers / role play/ construction and topic activities) or outside.
- They return to the class for snack time followed by playtime.
- Intervention sessions
- Into groups—off somewhere different this time!
- Return to class for Mathematics.
- Lunchtime
- Phonics session
- Topic activities / Music / PE
- Into groups—off somewhere different this time!
- Reward playtime
- Home time