School Meals
From September 2014 all children in YR, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to a free school meal each day. However, please ensure you still complete a free school meal form so that we identify which children are entitled to pupil premium funding. We have an online ordering system through Scopay which allows the children to pick what they would like for their lunch from a choice of either a meat, vegetarian or salad option. You will be given your Scopay login details on your child's admission to Devonshire. |
Children may also bring a packed lunch. This should be in a plastic box with the child’s name and class on the outside and should include a drink. As we are a healthy school we do not allow chocolate bars or sweets and would encourage you to provide your child with a healthy packed lunch. If you prefer your child to go home to lunch, please collect him/her at 12.30 pm and return him/her at 1.30 pm. |
Pupil Premium
Families with a child in a local authority school in Portsmouth and receiving any of these benefits should still apply for free school meals as:
To apply for free school meals either