School Uniform
The school colours are red and grey. Children are usually very proud of their school uniform. This leads to pride in their school and work. We ask parents to support us in this. This uniform is designed to be inexpensive but smart, comfortable and easily managed by young children. It is a great help to teachers and gives confidence to the child if he/she can manage as much of his/her own clothing as possible – zips, buttons etc.
Uniform bearing the school logo can be bought online direct from Skoolkit at and is now stocked at Skoolkit's Havant store in the Meridian Centre, Elm Lane, Havant, PO9 1UN.
Click here for current uniform price list
PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL SCHOOL CLOTHES ARE NAMED!! This avoids confusion and loss.
Jewellery of any kind can be a danger so we ask that it is not worn in school.
If earrings are worn they must be removed for PE for health and safety reasons.
Please provide your child with a PE kit and plimsolls. These should be kept in a bag at school ready for PE.
Lost property is kept in a box situated near the office. If clothing is named it is nearly always returned to its owner. Unclaimed items are disposed of.