Devonshire Infant School

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023 9273 4902

Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Owls Summer 2022

The Owls

Communication and Interaction Inclusion Centre

Summer Term 2022

Here are some highlights from our summer term.


Quack, Quack Quack! This is what we could hear when our ducklings hatched from their eggs.

We had 5 ducklings and we watched them hatch all wet and soggy, dry out to become fluffy yellow ducklings which were able to swim very easily in a very short time.

It was so much fun to watch them swim in our little indoor pools!

Miller's Farm

The children we so excited to see the farm arrive at school.

They had time to spend with the animals, feel and talk about what they could see and ask any questions they wanted to the farmer.

They found out about the farmers day and all about what the farmer fed the animals.

We continued to learn about animals as pets after the farm had gone.

Creative Arts Week

The children enjoyed a week of drama, dance, music and art based on the topic of ‘Around the world’.

The Hobgoblin theatre company came and used drama to tell us a story involving lots of traditional tales, most of which have an English origin.

We also had Bollywood and African dance session, Chinese music session and African drumming.

Children worked in their classes to produce something related to the topic, and Owls produced some African printing.

Platinum Jubilee

The children enjoyed the celebration day, learnt about the role of the queen and had a competition to design a new stamp.

Fun was had by all


Our next topic was all about mini beasts.

The children loved learning about the Hungry Caterpillar and we watched some real caterpillars go into cocoons and develop into butterflies.

We the let them fly free to have their best life.

We also studied some snails and ladybirds and the children were fascinated by the trails the snails left behind.

We made some snails using our DT skill

Sports self-challenge day

We have also enjoyed Sports self-challenge day this term.

The weather was beautiful and the children enjoyed trying out new tricky challenges.

They worked really hard together and enjoyed the event.

Well done Owls!