Devonshire Infant School

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Devonshire Infant School

Our Vision: To be an outstanding school, where all our children develop a lifelong love of learning.

  1. Gallery
  2. Owls Summer 24

The Owls

Communication and Interaction Inclusion Centre

Summer Term 2024





Here are some highlights from our summer term.

Staunton Farm Visit

We had a fabulous morning out at Staunton Farm.

The weather was good to us and we were guided around the animals one pen at a time, as it was their feeding time.

The children loved feeding the goats especially as they tickled their hands as they fed.

The cows were also very funny as one child ended up with real ‘cow licked’ fringe!

The best part was the new born 2-day old baby Alpaca!

It was so soft and adorable! All the children enjoyed their time with the animals.



We had 5 ducklings and we watched them hatch all wet and soggy, dry out to become fluffy yellow ducklings which were able to swim very easily in a very short time.

It was so much fun to watch them swim in our little indoor pools!



Longdale Dairy Farm- Year 2

The year 2 children visited Longdale Dairy Farm.

They feed the animals, looked at the farming equipment, learnt about the history of the farmhouse and the structure of the animal’s day and feeding routines.





Creative Arts Week

The children enjoyed a week of drama, dance, music and art based on the topic of ‘Around the world’.

The Hobgoblin theatre company came and used drama to tell us a story about the Pied Piper, which has an English origin.

This was followed by drama workshops.

We also had African dancing and Spanish flamenco dancing.

A Chinese gong session and Japanese Taiko drumming was enjoyed by all!

Children worked in their classes to produce something art related to the topic, and the Owls produced some world pictures.









Wild Animals

The children have also been learning about wild animals, their habitats and how to classify them.

We produced some art work, where they chose their favourite animals and used the shape to create a silhouette.







Sports Self - Challenge Day

We have also enjoyed a Sports self-challenge session this term.

The weather was beautiful and the children enjoyed trying out new tricky challenges.

They worked really hard together and enjoyed the event. Well done Owls!






The children had great fun learning about the different types of puppets there are, and found designing and making their own hand puppet very exciting.

For many it was their first chance of sewing and they all did a great job! They then embellished their own puppet and added googly eyes!

We have had a great term and it is now time to enjoy your summer, and best wishes to all the Owls who are moving on to another school.

To the rest of you that are returning, see you in September!